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Call of Duty Multiplayer BETA v1.3
[ Скачать с сервера (3.84 Mb) ] 01.10.2011, 23:29
ATTENTION: THIS PATCH IS A BETA PATCH and is not supported by Activision Customer
Support. It is intended to address the critical issues listed below:

- Fixed a slow update problem with the server list.

- Fixed a problem where the server list would improperly list servers with
a ping of "1.”

- Fixed a problem with the server list being incomplete.

- Fixed an exploit where prone players who leaned around corners could see
the enemy without being seen.

- Fixed an exploit where players could switch between prone and jumping positions
to move rapidly across a map.

- Fixed a bug with the sway animation of the sniper rifle scope on high ping

- Made improvements to Autobalancing.

Please carefully consider the following information before downloading and/or
installing this Beta patch:

- This 1.3 BETA patch only supports English-language Windows versions of the
game. There is no Linux version of the updated beta multiplayer code, and you
will NOT be able to see Linux servers.

- Once you have installed this patch, the ONLY Call of Duty games you will
be able to see or join will be on game servers that are running the Beta patch
code. You will NOT be able to access any of the servers running non-BETA Call
of Duty code (i.e. 1.2 or earlier). If you have friends or teammates who are
not utilizing this patch, you will not be able to play with them.

- Once installed, there is no "uninstall" for the patch that would
roll your game back to the previous (release) version of Call of Duty. Therefore,
once you have installed this beta patch, the only way to revert to the release
version of the game is to uninstall Call of Duty completely, and then reinstall
the game from your Call of Duty CD-ROMs.

- Installation of this Beta patch will make you ineligible for any Activision
Customer Support on this product. HOWEVER, reverting to the original release
code by re-installing the game from the CDROM you purchased will reinstate your
eligibility. Installing subsequent official patches will also reinstate your
eligibility for Activision Customer Support.

- This patch does not address all known issues with the game.

Категория: Call of Duty | Добавил: Sashka
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