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Call of Duty Dedicated Linux Server v1.1
[ Скачать с сервера (508.8 Kb) ] 01.10.2011, 23:34

To install:
- Get the retail Call of Duty disc.
- Copy the contents of Disc One's "Setup/Data" directory to your server (there should be a "localization.txt" file in the root of this directory, and a "main" subdirectory.
- Copy the contents of Disc Two's "Setup/Data" directory to your server (should be just a "main" directory...add it to the contents of the previous disc's "main').
- Alternately, you may install on Windows and copy the installed game to your Linux system, but many will opt to skip this step since the data files are uncompressed and easily accessible on the discs. Final
installation size is around 1.1 gigabytes.
- Unpack this archive in the root of the newly-copied tree, so
"cod_lnxded" is in the same directory as "localization.txt" and
"game.mp.i386.so" is in the "main" directory.

Run the server:
cd /where/i/copied/callofduty

When you see "Started tty console (use +set ttycon 0 to disable)", the
server has started, but you need to start a map before the server will
accept connections. At this point, type:

map mp_chateau

("mp_chateau" being a given map's name).

Now you should see your server in the in-game browser.

There are a LOT of knobs to tweak to customize and automate your server, but it is beyond the scope of this documentation. Please refer to the admin manuals for any Quake 3 based multiplayer game (including Quake 3 Arena, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor, etc) for specifics.

There is a mailing list for discussion and support of Call of Duty Linux servers. Send a blank email to cod-subscribe@icculus.org to get on the list, and list archives can be seen at:


Bug reports should NOT be sent to the list. We have a web-based
bugtracking system for this. If you don't report bugs there, we don't
promise to even be aware of them, let alone fix them! You can find the bug tracker here:


FreeBSD users: this server is known to work on FreeBSD with the Linux
binary compatibility layer. If it doesn't, we consider it a bug and
appreciate the report since we won't necessarily be testing on FreeBSD
Категория: Call of Duty | Добавил: Sashka
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